A Body Transformed Staff
Anne Bernays Trevenen, LCMT, RPP, RYT
Practicing in Topsfield since 1998, Anne is a licensed and certified Massage Therapist (LCMT), a Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP), a Level 2 RYSE Practitioner, as well as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance.
She has completed the 600-Hour Holistic Massage Program and the 675-Hour Polarity Program at SpaTech Institute in Ipswich where she also taught in the full-time accredited Therapeutic Massage Program for five years. Anne also has completed the 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Spirit Studios as well as an additional 1000 Hours in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy and Thai Yoga Massage.
Her skills include Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, Chair Massage, Polarity, Level 2 RYSE work, Yoga Instruction, Thai Yoga Massage, Hot Stone Massage and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy.
She has completed the 600-Hour Holistic Massage Program and the 675-Hour Polarity Program at SpaTech Institute in Ipswich where she also taught in the full-time accredited Therapeutic Massage Program for five years. Anne also has completed the 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga Spirit Studios as well as an additional 1000 Hours in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy and Thai Yoga Massage.
Her skills include Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology, Chair Massage, Polarity, Level 2 RYSE work, Yoga Instruction, Thai Yoga Massage, Hot Stone Massage and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy.
Renée Kellan Page, LCMT
Mom to three collegiate athletes, and a devotee of multiple fitness disciplines, Renée has always placed great importance on the value of health. A strong believer in the benefits of massage as an integral part of overall wellness, she completed the 650-Hour Holistic Massage Program at SpaTech Institute in Ipswich. Renée’s specialties include Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial, Trigger Point, and Neuromuscular. All of which, she incorporates to develop customized programs to help restore balance in each client.
Chris Tremblay, LCMT, CPP, BA
A graduate of the Holistic Massage and Polarity Practitioner Program at Spa Tech Institute in Ipswich, Chris is a licensed and certified Massage Therapist and a certified polarity practitioner. He also graduated from Saint Anselm College, Manchester NH, with a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology.
Chris specializes in Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage, Positional Release, Myofascial Release, Muscle Energy Technique, and Polarity Therapy. With a strong background in spiritual nutrition, psychology, meditation, guided imagery, and yoga, he works with the client to create their highest potential of well-being and health. Chris’ approach to bodywork combines the most advanced techniques in massage with the holistic perspective of an energy practitioner.
Chris specializes in Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage, Positional Release, Myofascial Release, Muscle Energy Technique, and Polarity Therapy. With a strong background in spiritual nutrition, psychology, meditation, guided imagery, and yoga, he works with the client to create their highest potential of well-being and health. Chris’ approach to bodywork combines the most advanced techniques in massage with the holistic perspective of an energy practitioner.
Chris is a member of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals and is available by appointment only.
ABT Yoga Staff
Ken Lidden, RYT, PRYT
Ken is a resident of Topsfield and a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance and a certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Practitioner. He is an Australian who has completed the International Yoga Teachers’ Association 500 plus hour 12 month Training Program, and is still a member of that organization. As a certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Practitioner, he completed their 650 hour Training Program commuting from Australia to the USA. During his time teaching in Australia, he attended many workshops and sat at the feet of many qualified practitioners and yoga teachers. Ken looks forward to developing ABT Yoga and continuing his ongoing commitment to his own practice. As part of that commitment to Yoga as Therapy, Ken is a member of Yoga For Health Australia, and the International Association of Yoga Therapists.